Dual Enrollment
Dual Enrollment
Maricopa Community Colleges and Gilbert Public Schools have designed a cooperative program that allows students to earn both high school and college credits.
About Dual Enrollment
These classes are held on the high school campus as part of the regular school day. Dual credit classes will only be offered if a qualified teacher is available. If students are to receive community college credit, they must pay community college tuition. They may also need to pass the EdReady test.
Parents/students will self-register for courses and pay using the Student Information Center at the time of registration. Upon successful completion of these courses, students may transfer credits to other colleges or universities. It is the students' responsibility to find out if in-state universities accept credits. Students should check the transferability of their courses to in-state universities. Acceptance and applicability of transfer credits by out-of-state universities vary by institution.
Courses, that may be offered for community college credit, are noted in the description of each course in the Course Description Book and are noted as “dual credit”. S/U grade option will not be allowed for these courses.
Please visit the Chandler-Gilbert Community College or the Mesa Community College websites for a complete list of courses that will be offered for dual credit.
Get Started With CGCC Dual Enrollment
Get help with Dual Enrollment costs
Concerned about the cost of Dual Enrollment? If you’re a high school student enrolled in CGCC’s Dual Enrollment program, you can apply for Dual Enrollment Tuition Assistance to help.
Placement and Testing
Dual Enrollment Admissions
High school, self-reported, unweighted, cumulative GPA of 2.0 or greater OR Completion of the College Reading EdReady Placement Test (Score of 75 is recommended)
Dual Enrollment Placement and Prerequisites
For students to determine if additional placement or prerequisites are required, please review your School Class List for the requirements for each dual enrollment course.
If you have any questions or need guidance on dual enrollment options visit the CGCC Dual Enrollment High School Class Lists webpage or contact your school counselor.
Maricopa Community Colleges Dual Enrollment