Digital Communications (Journalism)
- Digital Communications (Journalism)
Digital Communications (Journalism) - CTE Program of Study
The Digital Communications instructional program prepares the students to collect, write, edit, and present the news utilizing a variety of mediums i.e. newspapers, magazines, yearbooks, blogs, etc. Journalism is a form of writing that tells people about the things that really happened, but that they might not have known about already. People who write journalism are called “Journalists”. They might work for newspapers, magazines, websites, TV or Radio. Journalists gather, analyze, and disseminate socially relevant information in a consistent, transparent, and honest way. An integrated approach to teaching and learning is recommended as students develop interpersonal relations, career development skills, Workplace Employability Skills, and technical knowledge and skills. Students completing this program will be prepared to enter the workforce and/or Post-secondary where they will be able to apply the skills necessary to be in Journalism while also having a strong portfolio to support their knowledge and skills. The program is designed and delivered as a coherent sequence of school-based and work-based supervised learning. Students learn leadership skills and develop their leadership abilities through participation in the state-recognized Career and Technical Student Organization, SkillsUSA.
Digital Communications Courses:
- EN515 Journalism I
- EN520 Digital Communications I
- EN516 Journalism II
- EN521 Digital Communications II
- CT345 Digital Communications Internship
- Campo Verde High
- Desert Ridge High
- Gilbert High
- Highland High
- Mesquite High